Thursday 29 December 2011

Cop Out

Why oh why do the politics always go for quick fixes and technology. This is a video produced by one of the councils in Sydney. Instead of biting the bullit and admitting that there is to little infrastructure in there council to premit cycling they have gone fore the easy option of saying the fedreal Government should change the law and allow PMDs on the foot path. At this point I would like to point out I am not fore or against this just, why not bite the buillit and admit that your pass decisions as a council has resulted in increased traffic congestion, obesity and care dependence.
And why not build cycling infrastructure? "white collar workers don't want to get sweaty"
What a Cop Out, I ride to work every day and work as a "white collar worker"
This Sydney council is not alone, a similar policy was included in a pass BCC document.

Come on admit it, Build Infrastructure

The Small Things Count

While I complained eariler about the closure of the Ivory Lane path at the Northern End of the Storey Bridge the council was doing a small but important addition at the Southern End of the Bridge. As both sides of the Bridge have shared paths cyclists depending on there travel path will use either side. This seams to be pretty evenly split from what I have observed. That said on the southern end on the Eastern Side where the path joins Deakin St a new Kerb Ramp has been installed. Unlike the old one that still exists this one has no lip to it so that cyclists do not need to hit it at right angles to avoid planting there face into concrete footpath. This allows cyclists to move from the road to path with ease without feeling like they may be hit by a car that has decided not to break.

Sorry for the bad image but like many of my photos it was taken on my Phone camera