Tuesday, 11 June 2013

"a metre matters" may become law


sourced from www.amygillett.org.au
What has both stunned and pleased people that happen to ride bikes, the State Government of Queensland has announced that a parliamentary committee will look into changing the road rules to increase the safety of cyclists. Thankfully this is to include investigating as to weather a 1m minimum passing distance for motor vehicles overtaking bicycles should be law. It has to be said the Government was very much forced into this. With the tragic death and lack of conviction then the Parliamentary e-petition passing 5000 signatures and still increasing there was not much choice.

While this is good news there is a sting in it's tail. The terms of reference also include "the potential benefits and impacts of a bicycle registration". Lets just hope common sense prevails on this point. We know what the impacts will be, bicycle use will plummet and the benefits will be next to nil.

I can only hope that the law will be changed so cyclists have greater legal protection and the stupidity of a bicycle registration is killed at the first opportunity.

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