Monday 16 April 2012

BCC Elections - Liberal Party

The fist thing to say is that I have been surprised. I was honestly expecting something less than a promise of $100 Million over the 4 years. I was expecting something along the lines "we have done the hard stuff so we don't need to spend as much" by line. I was vaguely thinking that it may meet the previous $100 million.

So what has been promised, well an impressive $120 over the 4 year term. Now this is better then I had been expecting from a party that generally decrees that all cyclists are either hippies or weekend lycra warriors. As for the policy well there is not much detail. They claim that it has been full costed but for a fully costed policy there is precious little detail being disclosed. The most encouraging thing is that they say that the paths will be designed for commuter traffic not recreational users. This hopefully means no more windy paths that take twice the distance that is required to travel through a small park etc. The only thing I have against it is that it claims there is 1100kms of Bikeways. There is NOT 1100 kms of bikeways but 1100km of bikeways & bikelanes. This is a very important part because some bike lanes are suicidal as they are hard up against parked cars and if someone was to open there door a cyclist would hit it hard.

There is no detail on how this funding will be directed as in bikelanes or bikeways.  Nor is there details on where the corridors will be exactly either but they have identified 8 key areas

So in short
  • $120 million over 4 years for bicycle infrastructure
  • a focus on providing Commuter corridors to 8 key employment areas
For now until I find some more detail I will leave it at that

For you to have a chance of looking at the "Lite" Policy

1 comment:

  1. " but 1100km of bikeways & bikelanes." is worse than that.

    They also count around 200km of BAZ, those yellow bicycles on the road that mean share the road with cars and we couldn't fit a bike lane.

    And even worse than that they count it twice, once for the yellow stencil on both sides of the road. So that becomes over 400km of yellow stencils counted as bikeways.
