Tuesday 7 May 2013

Cyclist run over and killed - Driver gets nothing


In what can only described as disgustingly disappointing a "professional" driver has got of scot free after running over and killing a cyclist. This has resulted in many that ride bikes in Brisbane to be very much angered and there are calls for a protest ride.

This accident can be partly based on the poor law regarding the overtaking of cyclist in the Queensland Road Rules. The fact is there is no minimum distance required under Queensland legislation for a motor vehicle to overtake a cyclist. It basically means a car can overtake you with a few centimetres to spare and it is completely fine because they did not hit you. For this reason the requirement for a minimum passing distance of 1metre is being called for. I wholly support this move. While 1m is not enough at certain speeds it at least means there is a minimum, which is far better then no minimum in my thinking.

I feel for the family of the killed cyclist. There is no way to say how upset they must be.

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