Monday 10 September 2012

Sydney Cycleways set to continue

In what was a welcome development the City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore has been re-elected. I must say the people of Sydney that ride bikes or would like to ride bikes must be breathing a sigh of relief. Some Mayoral candidates were openly hostile to the concept of riding bikes and the cycleways. That said it was not much of a contest with Clover Moore getting back in on her primary vote alone. This is indeed a feat as most politicians in Australia rely on preferences. While it can be said Clover's vote was slightly down by 4.9% she still got in with a primary vote of 51.6%.
Congratulations Clover and keep up the great work with the cycleways. More than Just Sydney is watching.

Image sourced from
King Street cycleway during peak hour


  1. Hey Naked Cyclist. This was great news for the city of Sydney, but not so much for the radio shock jocks and their pathetic campaign to try and get rid of Clover Moore. Hopefully, this will spur on other mayors to be brave and take clying a bit more seriously. I think Quirk is doing a little bit at the moment, but there's a hell of a lot more cycling infrastructure that should be getting built. Thanks for all your posts. I check your blog pretty regularly. It's always interesting, and it's great to see someone highlighting Brisbane cycling-related issues.

    1. Thanks for the kind words.
      Yes I doubt the shock jocks would of liked it nor the NSW state govenrment.
      Thanks again,
      Naked Cyclist
