Monday 6 August 2012

Bikeway Counts - July - What Tour de France effect?

The bikeway counts for July are in and in the most part they are not in all that surprising.

The counts were again conducted during a 40 minute bracket of peak hour on the
  • Kurilpa Bridge - Monday
  • Goodwill Bridge - Tuesday
  • Bicentennial Bikeway - Wednesday
  • South East Bikeway - Thursday
  • Normanby Ped/Cycle Link - Friday
The thing that was of no great surprise was that apart from Kurilpa Bridge most other count locations showed not real difference in count numbers. Now this begs the question where is the Tour de France affect that the tabloid media always goes on about after the race. There is the usual complaints of Lycra clad middle age men swamping roads and getting in the way of everyone. If this is indeed true it certainly ain't happening on Brisbane's Bikeway's and it certainly ain't happening during peak hour. If there was indeed this affect it should of spilled over into the counts but it hasn't. Most count category's stayed mostly the same except for women overall. Overall women/men share of the count dropped from a ratio of 1/4 to 1/5 on the whole. Not a good sign but this may be put down to the winter weather.

The surprise result was Kurilpa Bridge jumping from 97 bikes in May to 114 in July. While this may have something to do with the count being conducted 10 minutes later to bring it in line with the rest of the counts (excluding Bicentennial) it does represent a jump of around 20%. It will only mean something substantial if the next count is also of a similar number next time but it is encouraging when all the other counts were almost stagnant.

Oh well it will be good to see what August will net as that will be the final month of Winter in Brisbane!If Brisbane is truly to hot to ride in, the Winter months should see numbers swelling but so far that is not the case.

Kurilpa Bridge Count 20120723

Time = 7:25-8:05am
Total = 114

Male = 94 (82%)
Female = 20 (18%)

Bike Type
Road = 48 (42%)
Other* = 66 (58%)

Bike per Sex
Male Road = 44 (46%)
Male Other* = 50 (54%)
                        5 citycycle included
Female Road = 4 (20%)
Female Other* = 16 (80%)

* = any bike that is not fitted with drop bar Handle Bars

General Note
-                      Not all bikes passing were able to be counted
-                      This count did not include pedestrians
-                      This count includes cyclists going both North and South
-                      Due this count occurring 10minutes later than the original figures are not directly comparable.
-                      This count was conducted at the peak of the bridge
-                      The weather was clear skies and cool temperature.

Goodwill Bridge Count 20120724

Time = 7:25-8:05am
Total = 374

Male = 310 (82%)
Female = 64 (18%)

Bike Type
Road = 162 (43%)
Other* = 221 (57%)

Bike per Sex
Male Road = 143 (46%)
Male Other* = 167 (54%)
                        2 citycycle included
Female Road = 19 (30%)
Female Other* = 45 (70%)
                        2 citycycle included

* = any bike that is not fitted with drop bar Handle Bars

General Note
-                      Not all bikes passing were able to be counted
-                      This count did not include pedestrians
-                      This count includes cyclists going both North and South
-                      Due to this count beginning 10minutes later then the Bicentennial count the figures cannot be directly compared.
-                      This count was conducted at the peak of the bridge
      -             The weather was clear skies and cool temperature.

Bicentennial Bikeway Count 20120725

Time = 7:20-8:00am
Total = 445

Male = 376 (83%)
Female = 69 (17%)

Bike Type
Road = 211 (47%)
Other* = 234 (53%)

Bike per Sex
Male Road = 198 (53%)
Male Other* = 178 (47%)
                        5 citycycles included
Female Road = 13 (39%)
Female Other* = 56 (61%)
                        4 citycycles included

* = any bike that is not fitted with drop bar Handle Bars

General Note
-                      Not all bike passing were able to be counted
-                      This count did not include pedestrian
-                      This count includes cyclists going both east and west
-                      This count was conducted just west of the Hale Street Bridge with counter sitting in the shade under the Overpass
-                      Between 30-50% of road cyclists were in groups or seamed to be out riding for exercise and not commuting
-                      Due to the count was conducted 5 mins earlier than previous counts and is not directly comparable
-                      The weather was clear skies and cool to brisk temperature

South East Bikeway Count 20120726

Time = 7:25-8:05am
Total = 210

Male = 169 (80%)
Female = 41 (20%)

Bike Type
Road = 69 (33%)
Other* = 141 (67%)

Bike per Sex
Male Road = 56 (33%)
Male Other* = 113 (67%)
Female Road = 13 (32%)
Female Other* = 28 (68%)

* = any bike that is not fitted with drop bar Handle Bars

General Note
-                      Not all bikes passing were able to be counted
-                      This count did not include pedestrians as they are not permitted on the bikeway
-                      This count includes cyclists going both North and South
-                      Due to this count beginning 10minutes later then the Bicentennial count the figures can not be directly compared.
-                      This count was conducted under the Vulture St overpass
-                      The weather was clear skies and cool to brisk temperature.

Normanby Ped/Cycle Link Count 20120727
Time = 7:25-8:05am
Total = 104
Male = 85 (82%)
Female = 19 (18%)
Bike Type
Road = 33 (32%)
Other* = 71 (68%)
Bike per Sex
Male Road = 30 (35%)
Male Other* = 55 (65%)
Female Road = 3 (16%)
Female Other* = 16 (84%)
* = any bike that is not fitted with drop bar Handle Bars
General Note
-                      Not all bikes passing were able to be counted
-                      This count did not include pedestrians
-                      This count includes cyclists going both North and South
-                      Due to this count beginning 10minutes later then the Bicentennial count the figures can not be directly compared.
-                      This count was conducted at the southern end of link were it joins Parkland boulevard
-                      The weather was clear skies and cool temperature.

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